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River Road Sisters New Year's Resolutions

Who else has been thinking about the new year? We've had a few tough years for various reasons and with the start of our updated blog, we also have discussed our personal and professional goals together. It seems like we work better as a pair and are great at motivating each other, so we're rolling with it. We would both like to share some New Year's Resolutions! We often have the mindset "new year, new me", but it really isn't about that. It's more about developing and building new habits, whether in your personal, family, or professional life that help you grow as an individual. Don't forget no one's perfect and just because you "miss a day" doesn't mean you're a failure, you just need to pick back up where you left off and keep trucking along. With that in mind, here are our New Year's Resolutions!

Read the whole post to grab a downloadable social media story template for yourself!



While I didn't make any "goals" for 2023, I did unintentionally make some new habits, like eating better which made a huge difference in how I feel. Part of that was learning how to better understand myself and how I can stay motivated. I still have a long way to go, but I think I can get on the right track to see significant progress in 2024. All I need is some accountability and support from my family and this blog!


Most people who talk to me know that I have issues in this area. I devote most of my time and thoughts to work, but I can shift my priorities around and continue to be successful in my career life. Earlier this year, I went through some Dale Carnegie training where I learned how not to worry and stress. Learning how to manage that has changed my whole outlook on work, and luckily I have a very supportive upper management team. This year I want to focus on a new to me rule, the 8+8+8 rule. Essentially, you want to evenly break down your 24-hour day into 8 hours of hard work, 8 hours of good sleep, and 8 hours of time devoted to yourself (3Fs, 3Hs, 3Ss). The 3Fs include Family, Faith, and Friends. The 3Hs include Health, Hygiene, and Hobbies. The 3Ss include Soul, Service, and Smile. Hopefully this helps me create a balanced life in 2024!


I have always been happiest creating something, whether it's a graphic design, art, crafts, or even music. My creativity has primarily been devoted to work these last few years, but I need to get back to my roots in 2024 to get back on the path to unlock my full potential. Just working on updating our blog has brought me great joy and has inspired me to be more creative at work!


Each year I set a Goodreads goal, and I always come up short, except for last year when I hit my goal! I have a tremendously huge TBR list that I want to keep tackling so I can justify buying more books. Yes, I can go to the library too, but my childhood dream has always been to have a library like Grandmother and I still want that! I have built good habits to track my reading and am looking forward to sharing my reading reviews here again. I might have some more exciting plans to bring to fruition in 2024!


When I started my first bullet journal back in 2015, I had the time of my life and had built up and remained consistent on so many good habits. This year, I want to get back to that plus add some daily journaling prompts that will allow me to work through some personal setbacks. Admittedly, I have been afraid to journal since losing our Dad in 2018, but I have a lot I would like to get out. To help get me started, I will be writing daily in a new to me journal, Better Every Day, from Inside Then Out (


This final goal really ties into all of mine. It is to always be making intentional and purposeful decisions. Am I really happy when I do something? No? That's ok, I just need to move on. Life is a long journey and what we like and dislike changes over time, and there's nothing wrong with that. It's about seeking new hobbies or opportunities that bring joy to our lives, and letting go of what doesn't bring purpose. From sticking to a goal or making a purchase decision based on intent and purpose, that's what I want to challenge myself to bring to the table in 2024.

While a little longwinded, my resolutions include a lot of goals for self-growth and I am looking forward to working on all of them in 2024. By writing them down, I believe they can feel more achievable. I need to be happy to continue growing in all aspects of my life, but if I feel broken, that's not possible. Here's to 2024, a year for positive personal growth!




The year 2024 is going to be my year for a mental and creative boot camp! While 2023 was a time for some big life shifts, like nailing my new job, I couldn't help but notice that some of my goals got pushed to the back burner.


I'm going all in to make sure I stay true to my personal growth and adventures! I will be sitting down and creating a vision board. This will be a great way for me to be able to look back on to make sure I’m on the right track to what I want 2024 to look like. Casey might join in on this one, so we can figure out if we want to travel anywhere and more!


Since starting my new job at our local chamber of commerce, my schedule has gotten pretty busy with regular work and a content creation job on the side. But, as the new year rolls in, I'm determined to find my groove, and balance it all. It's time to live with purpose and make every single moment count!


All work and no play makes for a dull life, and I've been missing out on the fun stuff! This year, I plan to carve out regular time to unleash my creativity. Whether it's a quarterly drawing challenge, lettering adventure, or watercolor wonderland, I'm diving in! And, as a designer, it's time to show off my skills and let them shine. Sure, I'm always creating for my job, but creating just for me? That's the cherry on top! So, get ready to see some amazing things coming your way!


Sometimes the simplest things can be the trickiest! I've had this recipe book for two years now, but alas, the pages are still blank. Casey and I have been living together for just as long, and we have some killer recipes we've memorized, but let's be real, sometimes we forget what's in them. So, I thought, why not start jotting them down in this book? It's like having a secret weapon in the kitchen!


Rachel always recommends books for me to read, so I want to start checking those books off the list. It's all about being intentional with my time, and nothing beats curling up with a great book to escape into another world. So, let's get cracking on that list and make 2024 the year of bookish bliss!

As we approach 2024, I'm determined to be more mindful about how I spend my time and establish achievable objectives. After some reflection, I've realized that I crave creative growth in various fields. So, to make sure I don't slip, I'll pay a visit to this post now and then to track how far I've come. What's your strategy to make sure you rule 2024?



Feeling inspired to create your own New Year's Resolutions? We hope you are and to help get you've started, we would like to share this social media story template! To download the template, just right-click on the image and select "Save Image As". You can also take a screenshot in our stories by holding down on the template image!

New Year's Resolutions Template



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