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Updated: Dec 30, 2023

Whew! What a couple of months it has been! A little over a month ago, Joel and I closed on our first house. We are so happy...and so tired...and so ready to take on this adventure.

The projects have been plenty, and it’s time to start sharing! I will say that the main level of the home is COMPLETELY livable (then again, so is the basement, it just doesn’t match our style…#justsaynotowoodpaneling), but of course, there were some projects we wanted to accomplish to put our touch on our new home. There were a few basic projects that just needed to be done and there isn’t much to share in regards to the process, but I’ll list them all out.

1. Removal of old oil tank in utility room- it served no purpose and took up a ton of space. After we moved it out, I now have a whole wall to store all of my home decor totes...and still have space to add to my collection 😉

2. Moving the washer and dryer to the basement- the old stackable units were in the closet in the upstairs second bedroom- and the washer didn’t work- so they had to go. I picked out a top-load washer and gas dryer from Home Depot and couldn’t be happier- like for real, I never knew I could love two appliances so much!

3. Removal of the carpet in the master bedroom- when we first walked into the house, we loved that the main level had amazing, original hardwood floors in the living room, hallway, and second bedroom- then we walked into the master...the floor was covered in red. Carpet. No, just no. The moment we closed and got the keys to our house, we were back in the main bedroom and Joel had his knife out. The first cut and tear revealed hardwood floors- in pretty great condition- underneath the sea of red. Let’s just say the carpet is gone, and our master looks beautiful. There is a little patchwork and refinishing to do, but nothing we can’t handle! This will be a project we will fully document when we get that far…#followingtheprojectprioritylist.

4. Repairing the water leak in the basement- we knew from the first walk-thru that there was a small water issue in the basement. We thought there was a small crack in the foundation causing water seepage. Upon further investigation, this wasn’t the case. Long story short, the front deck was built over the original concrete steps and there was a channel between the stairs and siding that held water and directed it right to a knot that was in the sill plate. Many, many hours later- and help from some amazing friends and family, the stairs are gone, knot/hole is repaired, and we have a DRY basement. Now just to get the deck put back… (a very wet fall + freak blizzard = deck will get put back in the spring).

As you can see, we have been pretty darn busy, and there’s always going to be something - hello, #homeownership!

Next up is insulating the garage before true winter hits. Then the fun winter projects will commence- *cough* complete basement remodel *cough, cough*. I can’t wait to share the progress and project process (say that 10 times fast!).

Stay tuned for a full post on our fireplace refresh…



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